Friday 18 February 2011

hApPy BiRtHdAy BoPpEr!!!! Or should I say Tillykke Med Fødselsdag Bopper!!!!

Although this will probably show up as being February 19th, it is technically still February 18th in the states, right around 7:30-and yes, I am thinking about the cake I'm missing (please eat a piece for me).  I think I'll survive though because Helle just gave me a Snickers bar. I love that woman. Anyway, back to the main reason for this post, it's me dad's birthday.  Since I can't be there in  person, I am doing my best to be there in spirit.  I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out how to take this picture with my big toe that way I could have both hands free...go ahead and laugh at me. After far too many tries, these are some of the winners.

Look closely-typical Ricci-Family-Member-Concentrating-Tongue-Out Shot

CHEEEESEEEE-It's Your Birthday!

Trying to be difficult
Bopper~I'm so sorry I am not there to serenade you with my angelic voice...try not to miss it too much. I hope your birthday was FABULOUSSSS (said like the Grinch-ask Ryan to say it for you properly).  Some words of wisdom:  Bernard Baruch once said, "To me, old age is always fifteen years older than I am."  Keep that in mind and you're *golden* I love you!

1 comment:

  1. What a good daughter you are!
    Happy Birthday Larry!!
